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Tuesday, 25 August 2020 03:19

Social Justice Statement Released


Kerry Stone writes

In late July, Social Justice Contacts from dioceses across Australia gathered for their annual meeting – on Zoom of course as is the way these days! The meeting was a chance to share Social Justice activities for the year and to discuss this year’s Statement from our Bishops.

We celebrate Social Justice Sunday this year on 30th August. Every year, the Australian Catholic Bishops mark this occasion by releasing a Social Justice Statement related to current national issues. This year’s Statement is entitled: To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today. The Statement encourages faith communities, governments and each one of us, to make mental health a priority. It is a timely message in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Statement and a Prayer Card are available as free downloads at

Resources also include an introductory video as well as a new initiative – a podcast. The Podcast Series presents the content of the Statement in conversation with a diverse range of people who have specific knowledge and experience in the specific area being addressed by the statement. The link to the podcast series is available at and a range of podcast platforms. Just search for The Revolution of Tenderness podcast.
The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the mental health of many members of our parishes, schools and communities. In fact, most of us will experience a mental health problem at some point over the course of our lives. Understanding mental health will help us to be aware of those who need our support. Our parishes, organisations and communities can be places of acceptance care and healing, not places of rejection, judgment or stigma.
In the Social Justice Statement, To Live Life to the Full: Mental health In Australia Today, the Bishops welcome the de-institutionalisation of mental health care in Australia. However, without adequately funded community mental health services, there is a gap in the system through which people continue to fall. Social determinants including poverty, living conditions, and personal security are significant contributors to mental ill-health. The Statement highlights the experience of First Nations people and communities, asylum seekers and refugees, people who are homeless and those who are in prison.
The Bishops observe that “our society tends to draw away from, or to push away, those who confront us with our frailties and limitations” which is “completely at odds with the story of Jesus” who “takes on the frailty of the human condition” and ”draws near to those who are sick or who have disabilities, those who are marginalized or despised”. People living with mental ill-health are part of the Body of Christ – ‘us’ and not ‘them’ – and share equally in Jesus’ promise of the fullness of life (Jn 10:10).
The Bishops invite us all to reject stigmatisation, to work for the transformation of social determinants of mental ill-health, and to call for policies and service provision that meets the needs of the poorest and most marginalised members of our community.
A Prayer for Mental Health

Jesus, you invite us all into the fullness of life.
May we support one another to flourish in body, mind and spirit.
Strengthen our commitment to ensure that nobody falls through gaps in our systems of care.
People called you mad.
Help us to recognise you in those who suffer mental ill-health today.
Show us how to eliminate stigmatisation of mental ill-health from our parishes, schools, communities and organisations.
You drew near to those who were suffering in body or mind.
May we too feel your nearness when we struggle with mental health challenges.
May we be one as members of Your Body.
You invite us to share in your ministry of love and true compassion.
May we be empowered by your Spirit to reach out to all people in need.
May we build communities of welcome and inclusion.                  

To download the Social Justice Statement and for more information, click here

To download the Prayer Card click here 

To listen to Podcasts click here 


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