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Monday, 07 September 2020 19:40

Three Parishes Praying as One


Stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions have caused us all to re-think how we worship as a community. Recently we were able to gather in small numbers for Mass, but now we must celebrate Mass in a way that is completely new to all of us. Father Novelito Lim, affectionately known as Fr Novie, Parish Priest of the Kerang parishes of St Patrick’s Kerang, St Mary’s Cohuna and St Patrick’s Pyramid Hill has used his technological skills to present the Vigil Mass each Saturday via Zoom. Parishioners from all three parishes join together with a sense of solidarity and purpose to celebrate the Eucharist as one large community.

Details for online Masses are included in parish bulletins, which are emailed in time for parishioners from the three communities to prepare with the Readings, then participate in a virtual Vigil Mass being celebrated by Fr Novie at the Presbytery in Kerang.

On Fr Novie’s invitation, parishioners present the Readings for the particular Sunday, read Prayers of the Faithful, provide a commentary at the start of Mass, and one of the musicians from St Mary’s Cohuna leads us in song.

Father Novie has asked clergy from other parts of the Sandhurst Diocese to be special guests and give the homily, an initiative which has been warmly received by parishioners.

Father Novie displays the responses for Mass on the screen a commentator reads these parts, so it’s easy for all to follow along. During the Mass we make a Spiritual Communion and, at the end of the Mass, we recite together the prayer to Mary, Help of Christians.

All parishioners from the three parishes appreciate Father Novie’s time, enthusiasm and effort to bring the Mass into our homes. Even though we are not physically together, we are joined spiritually in the celebration and can see one another, thanks to the technology of Zoom. Both before and after Mass, parishioners ‘chat’ with one another!

Although many of us can enjoy the benefits of the internet, we have also make an effort to keep in touch with those who are not connected. The parish bulletins are printed and delivered to people who need them and Fr Novie and a small band of rostered parishioners still take Communion to the sick, so they are able to participate without leaving their homes. Of course, those distributing the Eucharist do so with masks, as this is legal requirement.

The Rosary Group at St Patrick’s Kerang still ‘joins’ together each Wednesday, each person saying the Rosary in their own surroundings at a given day and time. The local Vinnies Conference ‘meets’ via Zoom, so contact is still available and, as a parish we are able to keep precious contact.

In a recent article written for the local newspaper, a parishioner wrote: “Despite the difficulties we are presently faced with, Pope Francis tells us that for many, remaining at home has been an opportunity to reflect, to withdraw from the frantic pace of modern life, to stay with loved ones of our immediate family, enjoying their company.” We trust God will provide many more positive moments in our lives at this time”. For our three parishes I think this applies.

From our parishes to yours, may we all keep safe, prayerful and enjoy what we can from these times.


by Christine O’Donoghue, St. Patrick’s Parish, Kerang parishioner

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