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Wednesday, 03 February 2021 03:07

Project Compassion 'Be More' Launch 16 February 2021


By Kerry Stone

Complying with all DHHS regulations and, in consultation with City of Greater Bendigo Manager and Catholic Education Sandhurst, we have developed a COVID Safe plan so we’re all good to go with a few minor adaptations.

As usual, free pancakes will be handed out to all students, parishioners and passers-by while entertainment is provided by schools. The official launch follows, with the commissioning by Bishop Shane of two representatives from each school and parish to take the Caritas message back to their school/parish community. Everyone is welcome to attend as we help make known to Bendigo, the great work of Caritas Australia.

ProjectCompassion BeMoreLaunch









Here, Kirsty Robertson, Caritas Australia CEO, shares her thoughts on Project Compassion

As a young girl in primary school I learnt that I could make a difference in the world, that I could touch the lives of complete strangers, through my Project Compassion box. There’s a powerful Gospel message to be found in a simple box – “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. (Matthew 25:40)

In challenging times, it is often our instinct to pull back and withdraw into ourselves. It can feel especially hard to help others when we are struggling to satisfy our own needs, unsure what tomorrow might hold. The COVID-19 pandemic has stirred this feeling of unease in many of us and we hope for a more stable and positive 2021.

But it is when life is toughest and most demanding that the gospel calls us to “dig deeper” and to go further. In Matthew 5, Jesus says, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” Your support allows us to step out into the neediest communities, expressing love and compassion for the most vulnerable on your behalf.

This year, Caritas Australia takes the theme of “Be More” for Project Compassion 2021. It challenges us to venture into a new experience of compassion, and is taken from the invitation of Saint Oscar Romero, to “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” This message invites us to step up and step out for those who do not have the essential resources they need for their survival; those whose needs at this time are far beyond ours.

During COVID-19, it is through these partnerships with local communities and extensive church networks on the ground that we have been able to respond swiftly to minimise the spread of the pandemic. We were able to adapt our existing programs with new emergency training, medical and hygiene kits.

This year we are showcasing five heroic individuals for whom your support is making a real difference. There’s Jamila, a young Rohingya refugee woman in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar, who is facing terrible odds with hope and resilience. Trauma counselling with Caritas Australia CEO, Kirsty Robertson is helping Jamila to deal with the difficulties life has thrown her way and supporting her to be a better role model for her young daughter.

Margret, in the Solomon Islands, is empowering students at a vocational school for the deaf to follow in her footsteps, while overcoming the challenges of long-term water shortages. Oliva in Tanzania is breaking down barriers of illiteracy and gender inequality for herself and for her village. Arsad and Halima, from Indonesia and Bangladesh, are striving to improve hygiene and sanitation programs, not only for themselves but, for the health and wellbeing of their extended communities.

This challenge to “Be More” to our brothers and sisters in need is at the heart of the Christian message. Pope Francis writes, “Jesus asks us not to decide who is close enough to be our neighbour, but rather that we ourselves become neighbours to all” (Fratelli Tutti, No. 80).

The work of Caritas Australia is a light in dark places and your generosity illuminates hope for those in dire circumstances. For over 55 years, our people and partners have listened to and journeyed with those most in need.
Your commitment to marginalised people has been a direct response to the Christian call to ‘act justly, love mercifully, and walk humbly with our God.’

Thank you for “Being More” with Caritas Australia and Project Compassion.