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Wednesday, 23 February 2022 16:17

Modern Slavery Policy Launch

SaintJosephineBakhita 350Although modern slavery is illegal everywhere, millions of people continue to be trapped in modern slavery. Systemic poverty, vulnerability and corruption are some of the things that contribute to creating conditions and opportunities in which people become powerless and vulnerable to abuse.

It is important that we do all we can to help those who do not experience wealth and freedom. Here in Sandhurst, we believe it is important to protect every person’s rights. At Catholic Education Sandhurst, we have developed and launched a Modern Slavery Policy so that we can do all that we can to protect the rights of other people, no matter where on this planet they exist. Human life must always be treated with the greatest respect.

Special thanks to St Anne’s College, Sue Carroll, Mel Key and students Jesse, Alick, Darcy and Lillian for contributing to the launch and being a voice for students.

A CES Ltd Modern Slavery Action Working Party is being formed to develop, implement, and support the CES Ltd's Modern Slavery Action Plan, and to continuously commit to reducing modern slavery through actions in our offices and our schools.