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The Sandhurst Liturgical Commission


The Bishop is the principal celebrant and promoter of the liturgy in the diocese, the Liturgical Commission is entrusted with:

  1. Providing a point of contact for all those involved in the liturgy in the Diocese.
  2. Promoting education and formation in the liturgy in the diocese, including support of Deanery Liturgical Committees.
  3. Supporting training in sacred music and arts.
  4. Providing material resources and personnel accessible for all the parishes.
  5. Explaining and promoting the implementation of new liturgical initiatives and rituals.
  6. Providing consultation for the refurbishment of the liturgical environment.
  7. Contributing to preparation for major liturgical occasion in the Diocese.



Four people are to be nominated from each deanery (one priest, three others), The Bishop may nominate any others he wishes.


The executive consists of chairperson, secretary-treasurer and one other. The Bishop nominates the chairperson from three names submitted as the executive.

Other Matters

  • The Commission is to meet at least three times a year, (10am-4pm)
  • The Commission has the authority to set up any subcommittees as required
  • The Commission is financed by annual contributions from all parishes

Thus the more profoundly we believe what we celebrate, the more effectively we celebrate what we believe.


These statements were recommended by the Council of Priests and Approved by the Bishop of Sandhurst, 30 November 1999 to be effective for three years.