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Friday, 26 April 2024 10:50

Do you have a Descendant Baptised by Fr Frawley?

When Fr Thomas Frawley served in Inglewood, the Mission was part of the Diocese of Ballarat and a small timber building opened in 1866 served as both St Mary’s Church and local Catholic school. It had only been ten years since the Borough of Inglewood was gazetted, yet the population in 1881 (1200) was much greater than the population of Inglewood today.

In his time at Inglewood, Fr Frawley baptised four children. The first, Joseph Hollingsworth from Kerang on 20 March 1881 and the last, Michael O’Brien from Powlett Plains, in March 1881, just days before Fr Frawley died.

Diocesan Archivist, Dr Donna Bailey provides pages of the Inglewood Baptism Registry 1881 for you to peruse. Maybe you have a descendant whose baptism was on these pages? 

  pdf Ingelwood Baptism Registry 13 March ~ 24 March 1881 (256 KB)

  pdf Ingelwood Baptism Registry 24 March ~ 24 July 1881 (214 KB)