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Thursday, 09 May 2024 17:10

Sandhurst Youth Ministry Reference Group Update

The Sandhurst Youth Ministry Reference Group (SYM-RG) was established in late October 2023. Bishop Shane Mackinlay appointed seven lay people and two priests to the Reference Group for an initial two-year term. Their purpose is to provide support and advice to the Office for Mission and Pastoral Life, Bishop Shane and the Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council in the visioning, development, planning, implementation, and review of ministry with young people today.

The members of the Sandhurst Youth Ministiry Reference Group (SYMRG) are:

Ex-Officio Members

Fr Nathan Verallo
                               Sandhurst Vocations Director
                               Pastoral Leader St Patrick’s Wangaratta

Ms Georgia Gordon

                               Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd Representative
                               Education Officer: RE (CEOS)

Young Adult Members

Ms Jasmine De Lai
                               Sacred Heart Parish Tatura

Mr Mason Crosier 
                               St Mary’s Parish Mooroopna

Ms Hannah Gundry
                               St Kilian’s Parish Bendigo
                               Teacher Marist College Bendigo

Mr Miggy Podosky
                               St Kilian’s Parish Bendigo
                               St Peter’s Primary School Bendigo
                               Member of Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council

Other Members

Fr Jackson Saunders
                              Assistant Priest, St Brendan’s Parish Shepparton
                              Member of Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council

Ms Michaela Brooks (Chair of SYMRG)
                              St John the Baptist Parish Numurkah
                              Assistant to the Principal: Faith and Charism St Mary of the Angels College, Nathalia

Mr Brendan Lindsay
                             St Brendan’s Parish Shepparton
                             RE Teacher at Notre Dame College Shepparton
                             Attends College of Consultors meetings

Executive Officer

Dr Chris Cotter
                               Director of Mission and Pastoral Life


Mrs Leslie Cooper (Executive Assistant to the Director, Mission and Pastoral Life) provides administrative support to the SYM-RG.

Ms Michaela Brooks was elected Chair at the group’s first meeting in November 2023, and this year the Reference Group has met in February and April.
The Reference Group is currently preparing a detailed proposal for the future direction and provision of Youth Ministry in the Diocese. It is anticipated that the proposal will be tabled at the next meeting of the Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council.

Dr Chris Cotter
Director of Mission and Pastoral Life
Executive Officer, SYM-RG


Image above: Sandhurst World Youth Day Pilgrims in Lisbon. Michaela Brooks, Chair of the SYMRG is onat the front-right.