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Thursday, 09 May 2024 17:20

Monsignor Francis Hickey R.I.P. (14.02. 1927 – 9.05.2024)

Monsignor Frank Hickey died peacefully in Nagambie on the morning of 9 May 2024. He was 97 years old and was in the 73rd year of his priestly ministry.  

Monsignor Frank served as a priest in seven parishes of the Diocese of Sandhurst: Yarrawonga, Beechworth, Myrtleford, Kerang, Wangaratta, Wodonga, South Shepparton. He also served as the Episcopal Vicar for education from 1980 to 1984 in the early 1980s and was Dean of the North East in the late 1980s.  

In an announcement made on 9 May, the Bishop of Sandhurst, Shane Mackinlay asked for people to join him in prayers so that Monsignor Frank might now enter the fullness of God’s life, after his long years of faithful service, and that his family and friends might be comforted in their sadness.


Monsignor Frank Hickey: A personal reflection on his life and 70 years of priesthood

In an interview on the occasion of his 70th Jubilee in 2021, Monsignor Frank Hickey recollected significant events in his life. When asked what life advice he would give to young people, he replied emphatically: to rekindle the tradition of praying at home and praying with others to keep Christ amongst us”.

  pdf Read the full story published in the Year In Review 2021 (86 KB)

Monsignor Frank Hickey a treasure for Nagambie Parishioners

Mons Frank Hickey Nagambie 150th 450
Monsignor Frank Hickey was never officially appointed as a priest at Nagambie, yet St Malachy’s parishioners dearly appreciated his gentle presence amongst them throughout the 22 years of his retirement. In August 2021, the Parish of Nagambie celebrated Mons. Frank Hickey’s 70th Jubilee as a way to thank him for his devoted service to their parish. Parishioner Anne Close shares the story.

Read the story written by Anne Close.