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Friday, 12 July 2024 14:17

Vale Sr Rosemary our Faithful Companion

The Shepparton community is mourning the loss of their faithful companion, Sr Rosemary Crowe fcj, who died at age 90 on 28 June 2024 in the 70th year of her religious profession.

After a long career of service in primary school education, Sr Rosemary spent much of her retirement actively serving in various roles at St Brendan’s Parish, Shepparton where, amongst other things, she administered communion to hospital patients, visited the house-bound, was a chaplain to the Faith and Light community and volunteered in the parish office.

In April 2024, Sr Rosemary moved from Shepparton to St Catherine’s Aged Care in Balwyn.

Sr Rosemary was born in August 1933, one of three children and the only daughter to Sylvia and William. She was educated at Vaucluse College FCJ in Richmond, where she was inspired to religious life by the example of the Sisters who taught her. She joined the FCJ Sisters soon after finishing school and was professed at the age of twenty.

For many years she was a teacher at Genazzano College FCJ in Kew where she was a valued member of the School Council. Chair of the Council, Lindy Priest wrote of her experience working with Sr Rosemary. “Her logic was powerful, and her articulate words of wisdom were to be listened to attentively as she brought her own delightful humour to our meetings.”

Sr Rosemary was the first Principal of St Jude’s Primary School Langwarrin which opened in the Parish Centre in 1978.

Sr Rosemary spent eight years as a missionary and educator in schools in the Kimberley. This experience inspired her to be a staunch advocate for First Nations Peoples and to co-found the ‘Kimberley Program’ which provides opportunities for students of Genazzano College in Kew and St Mary’s College in Broome to experience each other’s school, family and communities with the aim of promoting cross-cultural understanding and particularly heightening awareness and appreciation of Aboriginal culture. The program has been running since 1988, a wonderful legacy of Sr Rosemary which will continue to have an impact on the future of Indigenous people.

Sr Rosemary’s Funeral Mass was held on Tuesday, 9 July at 9.30 a.m. in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel at Genazzano FCJ College in Kew. A Memorial Mass in her honour was celebrated on 10 July at St Brendan’s Shepparton.

To read Sr Rosemary’s Vocation Story in her own words go to the Rosemary, fcJ - Faithful Companions of Jesus (

Sport RosemaryCroweSr 450
Sr Rosemary Crowe was an avid Collingwood supporter.  “Magpies, not Crows.
(Photograph courtesy of St Brendan’s Parish).

Sr Rosemary Jophin Jackson

Sr Rosemary with Fr Jophin Joy (left) and Fr Jackson Saunders (right) .


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Sr Rosemary (back-left) at a Sandhurst Association of Religious gathering in Shepparton in April 2023.
(Photograph courtesy of Sr Suzanne Fairbairn)

Back Row: Rosemary Crowe, Agnes Murphy, Suzanne, Cecilia, Marianne
Front Row: Pam Barlow, Eileen Reardon, Margaret Duffy, Bernadine Kelly, Liz Brown, Bing.