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Thursday, 18 July 2024 21:25

Synod for A Synodal Church: Sandhurst Diocesan Consultation Summary

In February, March and April 2024 consultations took place in the three deaneries of the Diocese and with various other groups to garner thoughts, feelings and ideas in response to the Synthesis Report from the first General Assembly of the Synod for a Synodal Church held in October 2023. The Sandhurst Diocesan Summary presents themes that relate to encouraging and supporting co-responsibility for mission in the Church: genuine encounter; the importance of prayer and listening, dialogue and discernment; consultative and participatory structures; existing, renewed and new ministry roles.

Published by the Sandhurst Office of Mission and Pastoral Life earlier this week, the Sandhurst Diocesan Summary was one of over 200 summaries submitted to the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference. These summaries were synthesised by the National Council for Pastoral Research and forwarded to the Vatican to help shape the working document or Instrumentum Laboris to be used at Second General Assembly of the Synod in Rome in October this year. The Instrumentum Laboris was released last week.

pdf (2.31 MB)

pdf Download the Sandhurst Diocesan Summary.  (2.31 MB)

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Download the Instrumentum Laboris.


View Video of Bishop Shane Bishop Mackinlay sharing an overview of the first session of the Synod for a Synodal Church held in October 2023 and the synodal journey to that point.  Bishop Mackinlay is a voting member of the Synod for a Synodal Church.