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Thursday, 01 August 2024 22:10

Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Schools and parishes across the Diocese celebrated the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly with special Liturgies and social activities to strengthen relationships between young people and the elderly.

Instituted by Pope Francis in 2021, the day is observed on the fourth Sunday of July – on the feast of Jesus’ grandparents, Saints Joachim and Anne. This year, the theme “Do not cast me off in my old age” (cf. Ps 71:9) focuses on the many elderly people who are left behind, physically and metaphorically, or even seen as a burden.

In his message this year, Pope Francis calls us to:

“… show our tender love for the grandparents and the elderly members of our families. Let us spend time with those who are disheartened and no longer hope in the possibility of a different future. In place of the self-centred attitude that leads to loneliness and abandonment, let us instead show the open heart and the joyful face of men and women who have the courage to say, ‘I will not abandon you,’ and to set out on a different path.”

On Sunday 28 July, it was standing room only at St John the Baptist, Numurkah as the parish celebrated the day. Grandparents brought their grandchildren and children brought their grandparents (or a special friend) to the festivities which commenced with Mass followed by morning tea and the launch of a portrait exhibition.

Organiser, Kerry Stone was thrilled with the way young and old alike enjoyed the day. “Our Parish choir sang beautifully and their final song, 'Deep in My Heart', sung especially for grandparents, brought a tear to the eye of many, and grandparents took great delight in finding their portrait amongst the 230 portraits on display. (Perhaps next time, the exhibition can include portraits of the children by their elders, Kerry!)

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St Anne’s College Kialla celebrated Grandparents’ Day on Friday 24 July with grandparents joining students at a special St Anne’s Feast Day Mass, followed by a personal guided tour and classroom immersion.

The day was an opportunity for the children to share their pride in their school and schoolwork with their grandparents and elderly friends, and an opportunity for grandparents to reimagine their purpose – some being kind enough to be ‘foster’ grandparents for children not lucky enough to have a ‘special guest’ on the day.

Students at St Liborius' Primary School, Eaglehawk enjoyed showing their grandparents and special friends around their school.  Teachers were pleased with the overwhelming support of grandparents and friends who made the day so special. 

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