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Wednesday, 11 September 2024 10:29

Stand By Our Shepherds: Support the Priests Retirement Foundation

 “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”   [Matthew 25:40].

The Sandhurst Priests Retirement Foundation launches its annual appeal this weekend, with a special collection calling upon parish communities to support retired priests who have dedicated their lives to service in our Diocese.

For decades, these men have been the cornerstone of our parishes, offering spiritual guidance, comfort and unwavering support. They have celebrated our milestones, comforted us in times of sorrow, and have been a constant presence in our spiritual lives.

The Priests Retirement Foundation ensures these devoted men receive the support and care they need. Contributions to the Foundation will help provide for housing and health care and, just as importantly, give our retired priests the comfort of knowing they are valued and remembered by the communities they served so faithfully.

There are now twelve retired Sandhurst priests. These men have not retired from priesthood but have merely stepped back from active parish responsibilities, their spiritual vocation and commitment to service remain constant. Many continue to serve in various ways, such as celebrating Mass in parishes when the need calls; presiding at funerals; visiting the sick; or serving on committees, for example.

In a recent video, Bishop Shane Mackinlay encouraged parishioners to help ensure retirement for Sandhurst priests is dignified and comfortable by giving generously to the Appeal.

“The Priests Retirement Foundation of the Diocese provides a valuable service in assisting me to care for the needs of our priests who are no longer involved in ongoing ministry in our parishes on a permanent basis. They rely on the Priests Retirement Foundation to assist with their housing and health needs. This annual appeal is the Priests Retirement Foundation’s major source of ongoing income.”

In 2023 the parish collections raised some $44,000. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in the lives of these retired priests. By supporting the Priests Retirement Foundation Appeal we honour their years of service and commitment, ensuring they receive the care and respect they deserve in their retirement years.

The Priests’ Retirement Foundation Appeal will be taken up on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2024. Donations over $2 are tax deductible. For those requiring receipts of donations over $10, envelopes will be available at the Church or parish office.

Prayer for Retired Priests
We pray for our retired priests of our Diocese. May they, who cared for the spiritual needs of the people entrusted to them in their days of ministry and prayer, now receive our care and support. Lord, hear us.

That the Lord Jesus make better known the joy of our elderly and infirm priests. May these priests find happiness, and experience in the passage of the years, the Lord’s rest and peace and our appreciation of their faithful service. Let us pray to the Lord:
. (Inspired by Pope Francis’ homily to Priests)

To make a donation:

Please contribute at Mass this weekend, or use envelopes supplied at your parish.  

Send a cheque
Please make cheque payable to ‘Priests Retirement Foundation of the Diocese of Sandhurst’
Please post or deliver to:

Priests Retirement Foundation
St Mary's, Echuca 224 Anstruther Street Echuca VIC 3564

Cash donations can be delivered to:
Fr Novie Lim at St Mary’s parish office, Echuca.

By Electronic Transfer
BSB 083-543
Account No. 13-833-7378
Account Name: Priests Retirement Foundation of the Diocese of Sandhurst
Reference: Please use your full name
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to advise of the transfer and provide your address for receipt.

For more information on the PRF, visit the Diocese of Sandhurst’s website.