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Welcome to the Sacred Heart Cathedral

Sacred Heart Cathedral is the principal Church of the Diocese of Sandhurst and the home Church of the Cathedral Parish serving the people of central and north west parts of the city of Bendigo and many visitors to the church and the city.

As a visible sign of the Church in Bendigo, we aim to be welcoming and hospitable. By using our gifts to build a prayerful, well informed community, we celebrate liturgy and strive to serve each other and those beyond our Parish with missionary spirit. (Parish vision statement)


bendigoclusterlogoSacred Heart Cathedral Cluster

The Sacred Heart Cathedral Cluster of Parishes comprises the Catholic Communities of the Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish, the Quarry Hill Parish, and the Golden Square-Kangaroo Flat Parish. 

For more information on the Cathedral Cluster Parishes click here

Read the Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst E News item by clicking here

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