Plenary Council 2020 - 2021

WHAT DO YOU THINK GOD IS ASKING OF US IN AUSTRALIA AT THIS TIME? TIME FOR INDIVIDUAL SHARING NUMBER OF PEOPLE 60 MINUTE SESSION 90 MINUTE SESSION 3 8 minutes 16 minutes 5 5 minutes 10 minutes 8 3 minutes 6 minutes 12 13 PERSONAL REFLECTION ON THE PLENARY QUESTION (5 MINUTES) In the Bible reading, Elijah in trying to listen to what God is asking, discovers that God is not in violence and terror, but is found in a place of stillness and contemplation. We are invited to come to a stillness within our own heart now. Let us acknowledge what is uppermost in our thoughts, but then we are invited to go deeper. For instance, our initial response might be about things I am personally frustrated or joyful about in my own backyard. These are valuable insights. However, what happens after these frustrations and joys are expressed? Are there deeper yearnings or hopes in my heart? Reflect on the statement below and write down a list of topics for further discussion. Consider why each of these topics is important to you. SHARING (25 MINUTES FOR ONE HOUR SESSION; 50 MINUTES FOR 90 MINUTE SESSION) Consider the size of the group. Here is a guide for roughly how long each person is invited to share: A suggested approach: • Each person shares one main topic. Members listen respectfully and do not interrupt or comment. • All participants make a note of each topic as it is shared. • The group leader thanks the person for their contribution and invites the next person to share. • As time permits, go around the circle again and so on. WHAT IS GODASKINGOF US INAUSTRALIA AT THIS TIME? INTRODUCTION (2 MINUTES) Group Leader: We now have the opportunity to share our initial responses to the Plenary question. Before we do so, we recognise that we all come from different experiences and backgrounds. As such, certain responses may contradict one another or challenge our own viewpoints. In the spirit of respectful listening and dialogue, we ask that we respect the following: • While someone is speaking, we do not interrupt. • We speak only from our own viewpoint, not seeking to correct or challenge another’s stance, but to offer our own position. Phrases like: “I think differently…” or “In my opinion…” may help. • Sometimes, if there are strong emotions, or if we need to allow others to speak, we are asked at this time to give our permission for the group leader to politely interrupt. Is that okay? Our voices are important. Let us speak boldly and with passion, and listen with an open and humble heart. LISTENING TO THE WORD OF GOD (3 MINUTES) The group leader invites someone to read this section. There is an ancient story in the Bible, about a prophet who is asked to become aware of God’s presence. A reading from the First Book of Kings. (1 Kings 19: 11–13) The Lord said to Elijah, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.