Plenary Council 2020 - 2021

WHAT ARE THE RESPONSES FROM OTHERS IN MY GROUP? 14 15 RESPONDING TO WHAT WE HAVE SHARED (5 MINUTES) Group Leader: We now have the opportunity to reflect on what we have heard so far. Some phrases you may find helpful are: • ‘I am interested to hear more about…’ or • ‘I think your topic of … is important because…’ FOR NEXT TIME Group Leader: In our next session we will choose our top three topics that we think God is asking us to discuss further. Let us talk with others, and pray and think about topics we would most like to discuss. We will also have the chance to hear back about any questions raised about the plenary. We are asked before the next session to reflect on the topics we have shared with each other and prioritise them. OPTION A (FOR FAITH GROUP): You can pray the words below, or you might like to say a prayer of gratitude in your own words. Creator God, we thank you for the encounter with one another today. We know that where two or three are gathered, you are in our midst. Thank you for being with us and for the courage to speak boldly and with passion, and the humility to listen with open hearts. We ask you to continue to walk with us, as we discover the pathway toward the future you are calling us to. Amen. OPTION B: Let us give thanks to one another and for the courage to speak boldly and with passion, and the humility to listen with open hearts.