Plenary Council 2020 - 2021

16 17 [collective sense of faith and wisdom from the People of God] and to listen humbly. We all have much to learn and it may be a little messy and hurtful in the process. Consulting, speaking up, listening, discerning are all skills and they take practice to master. I imagine that the first time we speak boldly, it may be clumsy and/or angry. It will probably be even more difficult for us to listen humbly, neither pointing a finger at, nor judging others, but with open kind hearts trying to appreciate what the Spirit is saying through each of us. It will require of us virtues like charity, open- mindedness, trust and patience. Charity to be kind, respect and listen to one another. Open-mindedness because “we cannot dialogue with people if we already know all the answers to their problems”. And, above all, trusting and patient because, as Pope Francis has shown us, we need not be afraid of open and fraternal debate because that is how we will find what the Spirit wants. Fr Noel Connolly SSC, Plenary Council Facilitation Team A Pope who is not afraid of open discussion and even dissent in the Church (see Plenary Website for full article) Time for short discussion. LISTENING TO THE WORD OF GOD (3 MINUTES) In the Bible, the Gospel according to Luke recounts a story of how two disciples who had experienced Jesus’ crucifixion, are leaving Jerusalem, three days after Jesus’ death. (Luke 24:13-19) Two disciples were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognising him. He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” “What things?” Jesus asked. REFLECTING ON THE WORD OF GOD (2 MINUTES) In the Bible reading, Jesus meets the disciples where they are at. He gives them time and space to share their story and asks follow up questions. Jesus could have simply told them everything yet he respectfully listens. On the flip side, the disciples begin their story downcast. Yet they are freed from the limits of their own story. Once they allow Jesus to speak SESSION TWO OUR FIRST TOPIC WELCOME (3 MINUTES) The group leader welcomes people as needed, especially any new members. Acknowledge any absent members and make a point to follow up if needed. Suggested icebreaker: What has been one highlight you have experienced since we last met? (One minute per person). Depending on the faith background of members, we either gather in prayer (option A) or in solidarity (option B). OPTION A: Let’s turn to the back cover of booklet and share the plenary prayer together. OPTION B: Let us be present to one another during this time. DISCOVERING MORE ABOUT THE PLENARY (5 MINUTES) We begin by reminding ourselves about the Plenary. We recall it is a process by which lay people and clergy can be heard, whose voices form the agenda for the council meetings in 2020 and 2021, where decisions for the future of the church will be made. OPTION A: Here are the responses to our questions from last week. The designated person shares the responses. OPTION B: As there were no questions from last week, we share a short reflection from Fr Noel Connelly, from the Plenary Council Facilitation Team: The group leader invites a volunteer to read: Lay people have not always been encouraged to speak up and we clergy have not always appreciated our responsibility to invite the