Plenary Council 2020 - 2021

34 35 SESSION FIVE OUR LOCAL RESPONSE & NEXT STEPS WELCOME (3 MINUTES) The group leader welcomes people as needed, especially any new members. Acknowledge any absent members and make a point to follow up if needed. Suggested icebreaker: What has been my favourite part of these sessions? (One minute per person). Depending on the faith background of members, we either gather in prayer (option A) or solidarity (option B). OPTION A: Let’s turn to the back cover of booklet and share the plenary prayer together. OPTION B: Let us be present to one another during this time. DISCOVERING MORE ABOUT THE PLENARY (5 MINUTES) We begin by reminding ourselves about the Plenary. The group leader invites a volunteer to read: In the time after Jesus’ death, the fire of the Holy Spirit transcended difference and people of different cultures and languages could speak and understand one another. In this first stage of preparation for the Plenary Council - open Listening and Dialogue , my prayer is that even if we deeply disagree with one another, that we are able to create space to share our stories: our experiences of faith and of the Church. All people are welcome, invited to share freely from your heart and mind. In this process, we have a chance to speak boldly and to listen humbly to others, so that our hearts may be transformed and we can discover the pathway toward the future for our Church to which God is leading us. Lana Turvey-Collins The Beginning of a Journey (See Plenary 2020 website for full article) Time for short discussion.