Plenary Council 2020 - 2021

OUR FEEDBACK IS: WHAT AM I INTERESTED IN EXPLORING WITH A GROUP? WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO EXPLORE INDIVIDUALLY? 38 39 Next Steps (Optional) REFLECT (3 MINUTES) Before we finish our time together, we are invited to consider further options both individually and as a group. In silence, we may wish to read through the suggestions offered on the Pathways pages (see page 41). SHARING (TWO MINUTES EACH PERSON) CLOSING Group Leader: As we give thanks for our time together, each of us is invited to share briefly how we have found the experience of this small group. Time for sharing OPTION A (FOR FAITH GROUP): You can pray the words below, or you might like to say a prayer of gratitude in your own words. Creator God, we thank you for the encounter with one another today. We know that where two or three are gathered, you are in our midst. Thank you for being with us and for the courage to speak boldly and with passion, and the humility to listen with open hearts. We ask you to continue to walk with us, as we discover the pathway toward the future you are calling us to. Amen. OPTION B: Let us give thanks to one another and for the courage to speak boldly and with passion, and the humility to listen with open hearts. WHAT BROADER FEEDBACK DO YOU WANT TO OFFER TO BISHOP LES TOMLINSON AND OUR DIOCESE? IDEAS? QUESTIONS? (10 MINUTES) Group Leader: Let us brainstorm ideas and feedback for Bishop Les Tomlinson and his advisory councils. RESPOND You can offer your responses via email to  Post to Plenary Council Committee PO Box 201, Bendigo Vic 3552