Plenary Council 2020 - 2021

Pope Francis has approved the Australian Bishops’ decision to hold a Plenary Council in Australia in 2020 and 2021. A Plenary Council is a gathering of representatives of a national Church to prayerfully consider its future. It is a significant time for the Church in Australia. To prepare for the Council, all God’s people are invited to reflect on this fundamental question: “What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?” We are on a journey into the future, led by the Spirit. The Plenary Council gives us all an opportunity to listen to what the Spirit is saying to us. In coming weeks, as parish communities and faith sharing groups, we will gather to listen to one another, even if we disagree, share stories of faith and experiences of the Church, and reflect on this question. Everyone is invited to listen to God by listening to one another. In this way, we are going to build the Plenary Council agenda together. After we talk together, we will collate our stories, ideas and questions and give submissions online through the Plenary Council webpage. Individuals and groups can submit their thoughts. “No matter where you might find yourself in relation to the Church – deeply involved, only partially engaged, uncertain or disillusioned, on the margins, or a friendly or critical outsider looking in – we need to hear from you for we are sure that God speaks to us all: and the Church needs to listen to everyone.” Archbishop Tim Costelloe “I encourage all Catholics, whether devout or disillusioned, fervent or frustrated, to seize this opportunity to speak what is on their minds and in their hearts.” Archbishop Mark Coleridge The Australian Plenary Council 2020 process, launched on Pentecost Sunday, has three stages: 1. Preparation 2. Celebration 3. Implementation We are currently in the preparation stage of our journey. The Proclaim 2018 Conference to be held July 12-14, 2018 in Brisbane, is part of the Preparation Plenary Council 2020 —2021 Listen to what the Spirit is saying... The Australian Catholic Church