CDOS 2019 Year in Review

Year in Review 2019 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 11 Bishop’s Message Most Rev. Shane Mackinlay DD Bishop of Sandhurst Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Having been ordained bishop in mid-October, my personal involvement in the diocese during 2019 is limited in time, but has already offered an introduction into many wonderful aspects of the life of the diocese. Surveying all that is recorded in this Year in Review, I feel much like one of the latecomers in St Matthew’s parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. I appreciate and admire the great efforts to live out our mission as God’s church that are occurring across our diocese, in parishes, schools, social services, health care, agencies, and ministries. I am very grateful for the warm welcome that I have received on my visits to parishes and schools in various parts of the diocese, and I feel privileged to have met with groups and committees that are involved with different dimensions of the life of the church, both in the diocese and more broadly. As we see a survey of that activity gathered together in a publication such as this, we have a tangible reminder that we are all part of something bigger than the immediate concerns that demand our attention and energy. This year saw the retirement of Bishop Leslie Tomlinson, the seventh bishop of Sandhurst. He has shown outstanding consideration and generosity in welcoming me and introducing me to the extraordinary richness and diversity of people and activities that are taking place in our church. He has served as bishop with great faithfulness, dedication and commitment, and gave much encouragement to many of the achievements noted in this Year in Review. As the year draws to a close, the joy of Christmas is under the shadow of the knowledge that too many have lost their lives, homes and livelihoods after long years of drought, followed by terrible bushfires now assailing the South-East of Australia. Many of our communities will face great challenges and ongoing concern as they move into the new year. Looking to the year ahead, October 2020 will mark the tenth anniversary of the canonisation of St Mary MacKillop, who founded the first Josephite school in Victoria in 1890 at our own parish of Numurkah. Her legacy was promoted by the late Tim Fischer AC, whose death we mourned this year. As Ambassador to the Holy See, Tim championed Mary’s cause for canonisation and was instrumental in the installation of her sculpture at Sacred Heart Cathedral here in Bendigo. Always self-effacing, he knew well the truth of St Mary MacKillop’s dictum, “we are but travelers here,” and as a man of action and generosity he lived out her advice to “never see a need without doing something about it.” The first session of the Plenary Council of the Church in Australia will also be held in October next year. I am aware of the widespread efforts in the diocese to contribute to the preparations for the Council, and I welcome the growing sense of engagement and anticipation as we prepare to select our diocesan delegates. The Plenary Council is a grace-filled opportunity for us to listen to what the Spirit is saying in our time and our place, and to respond to that calling with hope and humility. I feel humbled and honoured to be appointed by Pope Francis as Bishop of Sandhurst, and I look forward to serving in this ministry with the people, religious and priests of the Diocese over the years ahead. I commend to you the works contained in this Year in Review and look forward to journeying with you as fellow workers in the vineyard.