CDOS 2019 Year in Review

12 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2019 Business Manager’s Report Mr Cameron Fraser Business Manager Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst REPORTS Reading the Year in Review is a chance to reflect on the vastness of the Church’s life and activity in our Diocese. Bishop Shane Mackinlay’s ordination liturgy in Sacred Heart Cathedral was a moment of great joy, rich with symbolism of the Church’s unity and responsibility for humanity, from which the diverse works of the Church find their ultimate purpose. Seeing the works of the Church celebrated in this Year in Review is a reminder that the Church is not a distant institution, but is our people, people who find motivation for service as the outstretched arms of Jesus Christ. The Bishop is most especially the arms of Christ, governing a diocese in Christ’s place. When Bishop Leslie Tomlinson co-consecrated Bishop Shane Mackinlay, it was a reminder that their work is not merely an occupation but an enduring part of one’s identity. This level of dedication is a constant inspiration to me regarding how we approach our work in responsibly administering the patrimony of the Church. Staff formation and training has therefore been a key priority. Catholic Church Insurance’s innovative on-line training modules have been implemented across the Diocese, with nearly 350 people across parishes and the chancery completing individual online training in the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults since 2016. Others have received the same training in group settings. The Chancery staff retreat day built on weekly chancery Masses, as a chance to reflect on the big picture and consider areas for growth. Training and networking opportunities took place across the Diocese, including the increasingly popular Parish Secretaries and Housekeepers days, clergy in-services, and opportunities for further education. I am very pleased that this past year we have undertaken a great many activities to support the aims of our parishes, clergy and agencies. I would like to take this opportunity to take you through some of these initiatives. Project management expertise was provided for many capital initiatives, including residential development at Sandhurst Crest Estate, diocesan and parish property purchases and sales, new premises to support the expansion of CatholicCare Sandhurst and the Catholic Education Office, and landscaping and maintenance for Sacred Heart Cathedral. The appointment of Mr Garry Dewhirst has provided ongoing Human Resources support and advice to parishes on staff recruitment, salary and employment guidelines, policy development, and a new staff appraisal program. New regulatory opportunities from State & Federal governments and Catholic Professional Standards have been embraced and acted on, such as reporting requirements of the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission, joining the National Redress Scheme, Mandatory Reporting Requirements, legislation protecting the safety of Children and Vulnerable Adults, building standards compliance, and financial regulations governing the Diocesan Development Fund. The Diocese is also exploring new opportunities with the incorporation of Catholic Education Sandhurst and CatholicCare Sandhurst. Perhaps the most exciting opportunity is to grow the provision of Early Learning to families across the Diocese. The Diocesan Development Fund continued to fulfil its treasury function for the Diocese and in 2019 provided $17.7M in loan funding towards a number of parish and school projects. There is also increasing support from the payroll bureau operated through the Chancery, reducing workload and complexity for parish and agency staff. The Aspire Cultural & Charitable Foundation continued its mission of celebrating faith on the goldfields, life-long learning, and harmony in the community. Musical concerts and continued progress on the New Generation Quilt served the foundation’s charitable purpose of protecting and preserving Sacred Heart Cathedral’s heritage. Research funded in partnership with LaTrobe University and the City of Greater Bendigo will deliver valuable insights into Bendigo’s early faith history next year. Plans for the Aspire Precinct changed significantly in August, when the Foundation announced it would return the Victorian Government grant for the development of an interpretive and educational centre about faith on the goldfields. Development of the Aspire Precinct will be revisited in 2020. As we look ahead, there is still much we can achieve from working together. Communications practices have been strengthened and consultations will expand to all diocesan stakeholders in 2020, increasing collaboration between our Diocese’s many works and sharing the Good News. Anything achieved together would not be possible without the dedicated and professional team I am proud to lead. I would like to thank them in particular and congratulate everyone on a year of many achievements and successes. To the Clergy, Parish communities and diocesan agencies, thank you for your continued support and encouragement. The Chancery team is committed to explore new ways meet the needs of our Diocese.