CDOS 2019 Year in Review

14 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2019 CatholicCare Director’s Report Ms Rhonda Lawson-Street Director of CatholicCare Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst It has been another eventful and fruitful year for Catholic Care Sandhurst Family and Relationship Services (CCS). In October 2018, I took over the helm from Peter Richardson. I was pleased to be given the opportunity of leading the organisation as we seek to respond innovatively to the existing and emerging needs of the people and communities we serve. The vacant Director of Operations role was filled in January and in February appointments were made to the newly structured positions of Manager Parenting and Counselling and Manager Children, Youth and Family Services, to extend and engage with the many reforms underway in our sectors. In February we were pleased to welcome Fr Frank Brennan to engage with us on Catholic Social Teaching – a foundational pillar of our organisation. His breadth of experience, intellect and insights into the social justice challenges of our time were motivational to staff. February was also the month of our triennial accreditation assessment, conducted through Quality Innovation Performance Ltd. After thorough preliminary work we were pleased to meet all the standards. In March we received funding from the Department of Home Affairs for a Fostering Integration Grant. The grant has enabled us to work closely in partnership with Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Service (LCMS) to support asylum seeker and refugee families and assist them as parents in our community. We were again a sponsor this year of LCMS’s very successful Zinda Festival. In the Goulburn Murray region, our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse liaison officer in Shepparton has worked to support predominantly African families from refugee backgrounds in their adjustment to life in our region. We also initiated work to respond to homelessness across the Sandhurst Diocese, bringing together the commitment of all parties to address the unacceptable issue of homelessness through action at parish level. In March, we commenced delivery of the Emergency Relief Program, covering the Loddon Shire, Bendigo Region, and some areas within Castlemaine and the Macedon Ranges. In May we signed up to the Enhanced Pathways to Family Violence Work project, which aims to build workforce capability in family violence work through boosting community sector student placements in relevant organisations. In June, staff participated in Data Breach training to ensure that our online security practices are robust and meet privacy requirements. In June we also joined a research initiative of Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA) which is investigating the drivers of entrenched disadvantage to better inform resource, service and policy decisions to target poverty. In July we hosted a Youth Justice Group Conference Showcase, to ensure that all eligible young people, their victims and communities, have the opportunity to benefit from this program. The Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group began meeting to continue our commitment to culturally safe services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We appreciate the relationships we have with Aboriginal organisations in both Loddon Mallee and Goulburn Murray regions. In October, I joined in welcoming the new Bishop of Sandhurst, Shane Mackinlay, on behalf of CCS. We look forward to his ongoing role with our organisation. In November, CCS staff joined the Greater Bendigo Walk Against Family Violence, to express our support for whole of community efforts to increase the safety of women and children. Some of the many partnerships which form part of our ongoing work include the Communities for Children program in Shepparton, of which we are the lead agency; MacKillop Family Services through the Cradle to Kinder program and the Sanctuary Model of Care; and collaborative relationships with St John of God Healthcare, the Bendigo Loddon Primary Care Partnership, the Centre for Non-Violence and Bendigo Community Health Services. We continue our relationships with Heathcote, Quarry Hills and Epsom primary schools through provision of their chaplaincy/counselling services. Our regular participation in the work of both Catholic Social Services Victoria and CSSA, gives us the opportunity to engage in shared learning, advocacy and research. Our major partnership with CatholicCare Victoria Tasmania has continued across the year and we deeply appreciate both the collegiality and strategic support of this alliance. Finally, I want to acknowledge the support of our Advisory Board and Chair John Murphy, for their valuable assistance and guidance. Last but certainly not least, I offer my deep appreciation to all our staff for their exceptional commitment and excellence in the work they undertake to support people in our communities through difficult times. REPORTS