CDOS 2019 Year in Review

Year in Review 2019 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 25 WORSHIP & PRAYER Poor clares announce departure The Poor Clare Colettines are a religious order of women in the tradition of St Clare and St Francis of Assisi, who live in enclosed communities of prayer, silence, and peaceful work to pursue perfect Christian love in lives given entirely to Jesus Christ. The community of Poor Clare Sisters at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Kennington, has served the Church through prayer for over 50 years, as a blessing to the entire Diocese of Sandhurst, the people of Bendigo, and Kennington Parish. The number of sisters has declined over the years and there are currently three Poor Clare Sisters in Kennington, who are advancing in years. After considering the Church’s 2018 guidelines on the number of members needed for a viable monastery, the Poor Clares announced to their supporters and collaborators that they have decided to continue their religious mission in larger communities of female religious within the Franciscan tradition, located outside of our diocese. “I would like to thank all our many friends and benefactors,” Mother Anthony, leader of the community, said. “Their memories will be etched in our hearts and held in prayer. Prayer is a wonderful thing, it crosses seas, from wherever we are in the world. “We are grateful for all the support we have received from the diocese and from parishioners,” she said. “It is with great sadness that I learned these devoted women of faith will be leaving our diocese,” Bishop Shane Mackinlay said. “Their prayerful and contemplative presence in our midst is a powerful reminder to us all of the importance of simplicity, reflection and humble listening for God’s spirit.” “Contemplative religious communities enrich us with their constant prayer, as they hold the needs of the whole world before God,” Bishop Mackinlay said. The process of relocating to other religious communities and closure of the monastery is a lengthy one, requiring the involvement of the Holy See and liaison with the leaders of other Poor Clare monasteries. It is expected that it may take some time for the Poor Clares to finalise details of their departure. Celebrations to thank the Poor Clares will be arranged to take place in due course. The future of the monastery property is not yet decided, though the sisters are planning that before their departure, they will relocate the graves of the five deceased community members to the Axedale Catholic cemetery. We thank Mother Anthony, Sr Christopher and Sr Clare and assure them of our prayers and support as they prepare to enter this new stage of their religious lives. Mother Anthony, Sr Christopher and Sr Clare of the Poor Clares, Kennington