CDOS 2019 Year in Review

30 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2019 MISSION & OUTREACH 50 years of caritas service In 2019, Kerry Stone and Father Rom Hayes celebrated 25 years volunteering with Caritas Australia. Kerry said that Fr Rom Hayes was appointed to the role of Diocesan Director for Caritas in 1994, and with her interest in global poverty, Kerry immediately volunteered to assist. A few years later, Bishop Daly made Kerry’s Diocesan Coordinator role an official position. “The longer I’ve been with the agency the more I’ve felt compelled to share what I’ve learnt about the reality and causes of poverty around the world. For me this is Church, this is really the essence of the Gospel,” said Kerry. “It’s the way Caritas works that has kept me in the job – it’s all about dignity – restoring dignity to the most marginalised and vulnerable of our sisters and brothers.” Fr Hayes had been working with the poor in Lima, Peru for 15 years when he returned to Australia and was keen to continue exercising his option for the poor. “Caritas Australia is the good news in our church today,” says Rom, “… it’s really the gospel in action, it’s faith with good works. And the good works are really about working with the poor, for the poor, enabling the poor to be masters of their own destiny.” Both Rom and Kerry agree that hosting a Lenten Visitor every year from one of Caritas’ international partners has been a highlight year after year. “By the end of the week visiting schools and attending Deanery Dinners, we feel like we have a new friend and we’ve learnt so much about life somewhere else and about the difference our partnership is making,” they say. There’re proud of many achievements over the 25 years, notably, the now annual Public Launch of Project Compassion in Hargreaves Mall Bendigo, and Caritas Ks, the solidarity event where students walk, run, swim, or cycle kilometres for compassion, was created in Sandhurst and has raised many thousands of dollars in this diocese and across Australia. One of the most rewarding aspects of the job for Kerry is presenting Just Leadership Days for students across the diocese. “Whether primary or secondary, our young people’s desire to take action to create a fairer world and a healthier planet continues to inspire me,” she said. Reflecting on the anniversary, Fr Rom wanted to thank all the dedicated volunteers across the Diocese, “The commitment of our Parish Reps and the generosity of our people have made our job a whole lot easier. We’re truly grateful.” Kerry Stone, Fr Joe Okumo, 2019 Caritas visitor from Uganda, and Fr Rom Hayes spoke about water security at Catherine McAuley College students with drinking bottles.