CDOS 2019 Year in Review

38 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2019 Vale to a Champion of Church and community Bishop Shane Mackinlay was principal celebrant of a community memorial Mass for Tim Fischer AC at Sacred Heart Church, Wodonga on October 23. Tim Fischer was widely regarded as a champion of the Church and community. This was held in addition to his State Funeral and a private Mass for family in August. Judy Brewer received a number of honours on behalf of her late husband, including from the Aspire Cultural and Charitable Foundation, of which Tim was a patron and ambassador, particularly for the foundation’s contemporary sculpture of St Mary MacKillop in the grounds of Sacred Heart Cathedral Bendigo. Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, Apostolic Nuncio, presented Judy with the insignia of the Order of St Gregory the Great, in which Tim was made a Knight Grand Cross, shortly before his death. The King of Bhutan also sent the gift of an ornate Bhutanese table recognising Tim’s friendship and support of inter-religious harmony. Concelebrants from the Diocese of Sandhurst included Mgr Frank Marriott, Fr Junjun Amaya, Fr Shibu Pezhumthottathil, Fr Junray Rayna, Fr Vin Walsh, and Fr Dennis Crameri. Sons Dominic and Harrison Fischer read from the scriptures, with Fr Junjun Amaya proclaiming the Gospel reading. Mgr Frank Marriott gave the homily, speaking about Tim’s faith, constant reading of the scriptures and passionate interest in the welfare of religious orders, the priesthood, and the Church’s role in the world. Mgr Marriott provided pastoral care for Tim in his final days. The Mgr noting Tim’s profound faith and that Tim passed away holding a cherished bible and was buried in Yackandandah with his Mary MacKillop cross. Mgr Marriott pointed out Tim’s close support for Bishop Joe Grech, for pilgrimage groups during the canonisation of St Mary MacKillop and for grassroots Catholics visiting Rome, during his appointment as Australia’s first resident Ambassador to the Holy See. Mgr Marriott asked people to pray for Tim, “This great Australian, this faith-filled man, this husband extraordinaire, and as Harrison said to me, ‘this good father’.” Drawing on the agricultural imagery of the Gospel reading in John 12:23-26, Mgr Marriott spoke about Tim’s character and Christian approach to life: “He won the respect of all. Like his master he rode above the slights and insults, and in a sense, people have said that no one spoke like he did nor acted with respect and interest to all, as he did. Some might say that Tim’s grain of wheat had a very difficult beginning but his grain came to full head. Despite the many drought times he passed through, he indeed produced a bountiful harvest.” Cathy McGowan, a relative and former member for Indi, led the prayers of the faithful for their families, for Vietnam Veterans, for Pope Francis and Bishop Shane Mackinlay, for medical professionals, and for the entire country. LEADERSHIP & STRUCTURE