CDOS 2019 Year in Review

Year in Review 2019 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 7 The Diocese of Sandhurst represents the Catholic Church in a region in Victoria bounded on the north and east by the River Murray, extending from Kerang to Corryong and as far inland as Euroa and Bright covering 45,196 sq. kms. A diocese is simply a community of Christ's faithful – it represents a portion of the people of God in a particular area, which is entrusted to a bishop. In the Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst, Bishop Leslie Tomlinson is the pastoral leader of more than 93,000 Catholics. He is assisted by priests who minister in 40 parishes within the diocese. Our diocese’s vision is ‘that every person’s heart be inflamed by the love of God’. We welcome all who would like to join our communities or be guided by the principles and teachings of Christ. 93,000 Catholics in region 40 Parishes 52 Clergy 11 Religious Congregations 56 Schools 18,800+ Students 1 Diocesan Newspaper 1 Catholic Hospital 5 Catholic Homes for Aged 2000+ Employees The Diocese