
13 1313 Again, I offer the counsel of Pope Francis : “Faith grants us a realistic and creative imagination, one capable of abandoning the mentality of repetition, substitution and maintenance … to face reality without fear”. I believe that we have so much to look forward to, secure in the knowledge that we can face reality and respond with an attitude that is open, flexible, adaptive and led by the Spirit. Dr Chris Cotter Director of Mission and Pastoral Life Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Lyn’s departure will create a significant gap in the expertise of the Team. Therefore, discernment is taking place as to how we might continue this important ministry and meet the cur- rent and future needs of the people of God in our Diocese with a recruitment process to be undertaken in early 2022. As well as significant change in the Team, the new year brings our Diocese the opportunity to implement one of the key recommendations of the 2020 Go Forth review: a Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Council. I understand that this is a much hoped for development. And, as I write, the pandemic seems to be gathering serious momentum once more, this time with help from the Omicron variant. REPORTS 13