
15 REPORTS The Finance Office staff continue to engage with a range of clergy, parish, and school staff. Financial reporting and the added workload in submitting applications for support from State and Commonwealth Government packages for Jobkeeper and Cashflow boost incentives was of tremendous assistance during the lockdowns when we also moved to online broadcasting of Mass due to closure of Churches. There was a significant additional workload imposed on the Finance Office staff. The team, Win Butler, Debbie Lambert and Jody Austin, under the leadership of Peter Trendos, all went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure financial assistance was provided to parishes. There is an increasing call for the involvement of Mr Garry Dewhirst for his Human Resources expertise. Garry has extensive knowledge of the sector and has worked with many people across the Diocese to ensure the provision of sound and timely advice. Employment contracts and contemporary workplace policy are areas of keen interest and Garry has kept us informed about how we can best support staff working from home, encouraging more flexible workplace arrangements. The work of the Diocesan Projects office continued unabated under the direction of Mr Alastair Greenall. Major maintenance works to Sacred Heart Cathedral, in particular the roof and past water damage in the sacristy were undertaken. The subdivision at Sandhurst Crest was completed and the second stage of the residential subdivision in Numurkah got underway. The roof of St Mel’s Christ the King Church in Shepparton South was finally replaced and, it has been said by some that, the roof will now be watertight for the first time since the Church was constructed in 1970. Major projects are currently in the pipeline for St Monica’s Church in Kangaroo Flat, delivering on the commitment to provide improved multi-purpose space following the sale of St Mary’s Church in Golden Square. Finally, I’d like to draw your attention to the financial information provided on the Diocese and Diocesan Development Fund in the final pages of this Year in Review 2021. I am truly grateful for the committed service shown by the team of hard-working professionals I am proud to lead. With them, we are called to serve. Alongside them, as we live through the teachings of the Gospel, we will be provided with lifelong learning experiences and have life to the full. Mr Cameron Fraser Business Manager Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst St Mel’s Christ the King Church in Shepparton South (above) is now watertight, as is Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo (below).