
29 CELEBRATIONS Rev. Jackson Saunders started working for Sandhurst Youth Ministry in 2012. He was accepted as a seminarian by Bishop Emeritus Leslie Tomlinson, and was ordained a deacon by Bishop Shane Mackinlay at Sacred Heart Cathedral Bendigo on Friday 19 November, 2021. Ordination as a deacon marks the beginning of a life of ordained ministry within the Diocese of Sandhurst and is a major step in the journey to priesthood. Jackson is serving as a deacon in Echuca Parish and will be ordained a Priest of the Diocese in early 2022. Rev. Deacon Jackson Saunders “The Ordination ceremony was a moving experience, especially during the Litany of the Saints when I lay prostrate on the Cathedral floor in between the altar of God and the people of God. This was a moment of great peace, joy and consolation in my vocation. I am grateful to all who attended the ordination and for everyone who has been praying for me.” Jackson Saunders “While I have received the Sacrament of Orders, I continue to be united with each of you through our common baptism. Each of us is called to show the love of God to others in our lives, in the way we give ourselves to others, in our relationships and vocations.” Jackson Saunders Jackson was vested by long-term friends and mentors, Monsignor Frank Marriott and Monsignor Peter Jeffrey.