
30 From the Seminary This year we adapted as best as possible to the challenges posed by the second year of the pandemic and were fortunate to be able to complete Semester 1 of studies face-to-face, prior to the return of online learning for the remainder of the year. With many of the seminarians having family and friends overseas, we prayed regularly for each other and all of those grappling seriously with the ongoing effects of the pandemic in Australia and beyond. Towards the end of 2021, a large cohort of senior students, including Jackson Saunders from our Diocese, were ordained to the priesthood and diaconate, and have moved from the seminary community into fulltime parish ministry. It was a great moment for the College to farewell members of the community as they begin another chapter of their vocation and continue their formation and service asmembers of a parish community. Despite the challenges of the last two years, 2022 and beyond promises to be an exciting time in the life of the Church. As a seminary community we are conscious of the ongoing work of the Australian Plenary Council and its call to listen and discern, and the significance of this time in the history of the Australian Church. Globally, too, we look forward to preparing to celebrate the 2023 Synod and the invitation to continually take up the challenge to celebrate the mission of the church in a collaborative and participatory way. Once more, we sincerely thank the members of the diocesan community for their wonderful support and prayers throughout 2021. We look forward to being able to welcome you to visit the seminary again in the future when travel and gathering are easier. Rev. Dr Jake Mudge Coordinator of Seminarians Liaison with Corpus Christi College Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Sandhurst Seminarians, Dominic Manatad, Ezekiel Hangan and Adonis Peña with Bishop Shane Mackinlay after the Ordination of Rev. Adi Indra “We sincerely thank the members of the diocesan community for their wonderful support and prayers throughout 2021.” SEMINARIANS