
38 Be More The 2021 theme for Project Compassion, ‘Be More’ was inspired by the words of St Oscar Romero: “Aspire not to have more, but to be more” . It challenged us to stand in solidarity with people around the world who continue to face the injustice of poverty. Virtual Immersions In 2021, parishioners were able to connect directly with Caritas Australia’s overseas Program staff via ‘Virtual Immersions’. These sessions, hosted by Caritas, offered a unique opportunity for parish groups to interact with the people behind Caritas- supported programs and to learn more about the impact of their donations. These immersions included time forprayer, reflection and dialogue; and provided the opportunity for parishioners to showcompassion, not simply through material giving, but through ‘’spiritual giving”. The Wangaratta Social Justice Team organised a Virtual Immersion and invited diocesan Social Justice and Caritas Coordinator, Kerry Stone, to speak at the event. Speaking of the stories conveyed via the Virtual Immersion and of her own experience on immersion in Tanzania, Kerry said, “It’s important to highlight that all these stories are your stories – the Australian people. Without your support, there are no stories to tell. Caritas, as an agency, is really just the bridge between the Australian community and the communities in all our stories.” In 2021 people in the Diocese of Sandhurst raised a total of $526,000 for Project Compassion. In an open thank you letter to parishioners across the Diocese, Sandhurst Caritas Director, Fr Rom Hayes wrote, “2021, has not been an easy year for our people and for our parishes. Although workplaces, jobs and incomes of so many Australians are very tenuous, we have proven ourselves to be a people of amazing generosity. Could it be that the unprecedented sufferings in all corners of our world have softened our hearts and brought us closer to the poorest of our sisters and brothers?” ... The ultimate explanation for such generosity is God’s grace; God’s grace at large in the hearts of you all.” Fr Rom described Kerry Stone as the “keystone of Caritas Sandhurst” and thanked her for the many hours every day and every week that she gives to the cause. Caritas Project Compassion “ Be More” Participants at a Project Compassion Virtual Immersion in Wangaratta. Virtual Immersions were launched by Caritas in 2021 as a means to maintain and broaden connections. St Mary’s Parish Echuca set an amazing example of a community ‘BEING MORE’ with their all-day Caritas Ks event in the centre of town. The Parish community as well as St Mary’s Primary School and St Joseph’s Secondary College all put their compassion into action by walking in solidarity with those who have to travel many kilometres each day for water, firewood, or food for example. On Shrove Tuesday, Kerry Stone stands in an empty Hargreaves Mall, where the annual Project Compassion Launch, a casualty of COVID-19 in 2021, would usually have taken place. SOCIAL JUSTICE