
5 Contents 6 The Diocese of Sandhurst history 7 On the cover ‘Sandhurst in Country’ 8 Our Organisation 9 Our Vision 10 Bishop Shane Mackinlay’s Message 12 Report: Director of Mission and Pastoral Life 14 Report: Business Manager 16 Report: Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd 18 Report: CatholicCare Victoria 20 Report: Safeguarding 22 Report: Clergy Life and Ministry 24 Jubilarian Mons. Frank Hickey 25 Jubilarians Fr Rom Hayes and Fr Junjun Amaya 26 Ordination to Priesthood Rev. Adi Indra 28 Ordination to Diaconate Rev. Jackson Saunders 30 From the Seminary 32 Adult Faith Education 34 Sandhurst Youth Ministry 36 Australian Plenary Council 38 Social Justice 40 Laudato Si’ Goals and Earthcare 42 New Normal 44 Celebrations 46 Celebrations 48 Celebrations 49 Farewell: OLSH Sisters 50 Farewell: Poor Clare Colettines 52 In Memory: Fr Frank Hart 53 In Memory: Fr John Ware 54 In Memory: Fr Paul Purcell 55 In Memory: Sr Mary Batchelor fdnsc 56 Diocese of Sandhurst Financial Report 57 Diocesan Development Fund Financial Report