CDOS 2022 Year in Review

Year in Review 2022 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 15 Sandhurst Diocese Reports Cameron Fraser Diocesan Business Manager Sandhurst the Chancery as a Catholic Earthcare organisation. In doing so, we hope that, as we journey towards a more environmentally sustainable and ethical Chancery office, and informed by what we learn on the journey, we are able to assist people in parishes to achieve their sustainability goals. As I reflect on what has been another challenging year for the people of the Diocese, I am grateful for the wonderful team of committed people I work with every day. Thank you for your continued efforts and I look forward to all that we will continue to do for the Diocese and the communities we serve together in the year ahead. “As we journey towards a more environmentally sustainable and ethical Chancery office, we are able to assist people in parishes to achieve their sustainability goals.”