CDOS 2022 Year in Review

16 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2022 2022 has been a year full of highs and lows as our school communities have continued to navigate the impact of COVID-19, while still managing to provide the most stable period of learning that has been experienced in previous years. During this time our school leaders have been outstanding, and I cannot speak highly enough of their resilience, strength and tireless devotion to their school communities. I also applaud the parents who have partnered with our schools to ensure that students were able to learn remotely when required, and who have supported their children during this challenging time. There is no more humble and noble profession in my opinion, than that of a teacher, and parents as a child’s first educator share in the responsibility of nurturing and teaching the young people in our lives. It is this partnership between school and home that gives young people the best opportunity to flourish. As we focus on the importance of educating the students in our schools, we cannot merely consider the academic instruction of a child, as the physical, spiritual and emotional development of each child are of equal importance. We want our students to be confident, capable and compassionate, and to be mindful of the world in which they live. Catholic Schools in the Sandhurst Diocese are part of a robust education system that parents are choosing for their children in ever-increasing numbers. We do not take this responsibility lightly and we are proud of the skilled educators and the school structure which are supported by the Catholic Education Office Sandhurst and the Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd Board. Catholic Education is proudly one key player in the life of the Church in Sandhurst. We see the school as the focus of all our aspirations. It is our goal to support Sandhurst schools as they improve young lives, developing in each a sense of purpose and hope, nurturing a belief in the future and their role within it. Those who graduate from Sandhurst Catholic schools should carry with them a life-long commitment to improving the lives of others and a desire to leave the world a better place. As educators, we believed this focus would serve to remind us daily that our Ministry within the Faith must always be dynamic, outward -looking, ever ready to serve, to challenge, to uplift, to enhance and to improve. With Christ at the heart of our work, we could then be faithful to the core business of learning and teaching, while anchored by the rich teachings of the Catholic Faith. Despite the challenges of this year, there were also many highlights as schools opened new facilities and celebrated significant “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation” Gospel of Mark 16:15 PAUL DESMOND From Chief Executive Officer CES Ltd