CDOS 2022 Year in Review

Year in Review 2022 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 21 Sandhurst Diocese Reports Very Rev Dr Brian Boyle ADM EV Director, Clergy Life and Ministry Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Conversion and Action. One of the urgent needs of our time is the development of an ecological awareness of the earth, our common home. The landmark Encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ (2015) explored what an integral ecology of life means for us all. The Encyclical proposed concrete programs and actions which would follow. Care for the planet is the responsibility of each one of us; ecological awareness is an integral part of Christian faith. In the context of our Moama in-service, we gave prayerful and considered reflection to what an integral ecology of life may involve for each of us and our parishes, for example, our interconnectedness with each other in terms of economic, social and ecological issues, and our recognition that the earth is our common home, for which we all bear some responsibility. We began the inservice with the Smoking Ceremony conducted by Michael Chisholm and Troy Firebrace. Michael and Troy then offered their own personal reflection on the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Bishop Shane made a presentation on the statement by the Australian Catholic Bishops on ecology entitled Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. Kylie Smith (Catholic Education Sandhurst) offered two sessions on ecological stewardship, and particularly how plastics are a mixed blessing in our economy and the environment. The second day was given over to a series of presentations by Mr Bernard Holland (Catholic Earthcare Australia). Bernard led us through a number of practical exercises on ecological awareness and responsibility, drawing on the action program in Laudato Si’. On the final day Fr DJ Suguitan made a presentation of the new heaven and the new earth, drawing on Genesis and Revelation, the first and last books of the Bible. The point of ecological awareness, of course, is conversion and action, that is, the practical outcomes of this reflection. For me personally, the presentation on plastics, the use and abuse, has challenged me to look at my use of plastics as a consumer. I have made some reference in this report already to documentation being formatted and prepared on the life and ministry of Sandhurst priests. The Diocese takes its responsibility for the care and formation of its priests seriously. On alternate years a seminar is run at Moama for overseas priests (incardinated or on loan) ministering in the Diocese. On other years a similar seminar is run for those priests recently ordained (five years and under). In March 2022 a seminar was run for overseas priests at Moama. There are a significant number of priests born overseas now ministering in the Diocese, from the Philippines, India and Vietnam. A number of these are in fact incardinated in the Sandhurst Diocese while others are on loan. This gathering provided an opportunity for us, in a relaxed environment, to reflect together on our experience of ministry. Presentations were made by Bishop Shane, Fr Joe Taylor, Fr Paul Sireh O Carm, Christine Sebire (Echuca parishioner), and myself. Our time together reflected many of the aspirations of the Diocesan Program for Welcome, Support and Acculturation of Overseas Priests. In that context the Diocese in 2022 welcomed Fr Uday Kumar Marneni (Wodonga parish), Fr Jophin Joy (Numurkah and Nathalia parishes), Fr Henry Onyirioha from Nigeria who served in the Yarrawonga parish for several months, Mgr Cris Manongas (South Wangaratta parish). We also offer sincere thanks to Fr Shibu Pezumthottathil for his service in the Diocese over several years. The 2023 seminar will be for priests recently ordained. There were many other celebratory occasions in 2022 when the Sandhurst priests came together. Jackson Saunders was ordained a priest in the Cathedral on March 26, 2022. As a Bendigo resident, Jackson’s ordination attracted much local interest. We gathered at the Cathedral in April of Holy Week to celebrate the Chrism Mass with our Bishop. On July 20, we gathered to celebrate our jubilarians: Mons. Frank Marriott 60 years and Bishop Les Tomlinson, Fr Des Welladsen and Fr Vin Walsh, each of whom celebrated 50 years ordination. We see here some two hundred years of priestly ministry and service among these four men. The Plenary Council was held in Sydney in early July 2022 with Bishop Shane, Fr Joe Taylor and myself attending as clergy representatives of the Diocese. This gathering was a most significant occasion for the Australian Catholic Church. One of its fruits will be the convocation of the Diocesan Pastoral Assembly at Shepparton in February, 2023. With these celebrations and gatherings the Sandhurst clergy mark another year of ends and beginnings.