CDOS 2022 Year in Review

24 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2022 The Diocese has a universal expectation for the protection of children, young people, and adults at risk. It is resolutely committed to ensuring that all those engaged in the Church promote the inherent dignity of children, young people, and adults at risk, as their fundamental right to be respected and nurtured in a safe environment. This is particularly so for the most vulnerable children, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and children with a disability. We welcome all children and their families, without discrimination based on sexual orientation, intersex status, or gender identity. The Sandhurst Diocese acknowledges that preventing child abuse requires proactive approaches across policies, procedures and practices within parishes, agencies and entities, consistent with the requirements of the following: • National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (Australian Human Rights Commission) • National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd) • Victorian Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme (Commission of Children and Young People Victoria) National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (Australian Human Rights Commission) The National Principles provide a nationally consistent approach to creating organisational cultures that foster child safety and wellbeing. The National Principles are the vehicle for giving effect to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse. They have a broader scope that goes beyond child sexual abuse to cover other forms of potential harm to children and young people. Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd – National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL) is an advisory group to Catholic Organisations and represents an evolution of safeguarding in the Church. It is a company limited by guarantee. There are three members of the company — Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC), Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), and the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP). ACSL launched edition 1 of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) which create a framework for Catholic entities to promote the safety of children and young people. Edition 1 of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) align with the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. The Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst has made a commitment to comply with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Safeguarding Child Protection and the Implementation of the Child Safe Standards including adults at risk - 2022 ANNE MCINTOSH From Diocesan Safeguarding Officer