CDOS 2022 Year in Review

Year in Review 2022 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 27 Sandhurst Diocese Reports Vision: Walking in the footsteps of Jesus who came to bring life to the full for all humanity, ours is a vision of thriving, inclusive communities where people, as created in the image of God, experience their unique dignity in a compassionate and just society. Mission: We seek to reflect God’s love for each person by enabling transformational personal and social impact in partnership with individuals, families, and communities. We bring excellence in care, compassion and hope. These important pieces will guide and shape the ongoing work we do, as well as the culture that we embrace within the organisation. They also provided the springboard from which to launch our new Strategic Plan. Strategic Plan and Roadshows In August we were proud to launch our five-year Strategic Plan, in which we focus our efforts on initiatives that will have the greatest impact to promote fullness of life for all, and to disrupt the cycle of disadvantage for those who are most vulnerable and/or marginalised across the state. Our Strategic Plan also shines a light on our priority investment areas, understanding that to boost our capability to successfully deliver our social change agenda, we will need to transform our systems and processes. We will develop and use a range of measures to evaluate the impact of our work in disrupting disadvantage. We will continually review and evaluate our work and embed learnings from our clients about their experiences; and we will ensure all CatholicCare Victoria client programs have impact/outcome measures which capture whether clients are achieving goals they have identified, leading to transformational change. We have supported significant change whilst continuing our daily operational commitments to clients. We are excited to build on the success of our previous organisations: to enhance and strengthen our services, to amplify our scale and reach, and to advocate for fairness and justice, so that we can provide the best possible support and empowerment to our clients. The launch of the plan was followed by a very significant two-day conference held in Melbourne, which drew leaders from across CCV to work together on how our new strategy would be implemented. This was followed up by a series of Strategy Roadshow events held at offices across the state. These events saw our CEO, Agnes Sheehan, meet with staff throughout Victoria, from Warrnambool, to Shepparton, to Mildura, and spend time collecting valuable insight into how our new Strategy could be expressed across our diverse services and sites. Emergency Relief When CatholicCare Victoria came together in 2021, we were running separate Emergency Relief (ER) programs across the state. We have now achieved a centralised approach to service delivery for Emergency Relief, including the implementation of one phone system across our team. This has not only improved efficiency for our service but also improved client experience, making processes smoother for people accessing our support. When COVID-19 initially hit our shores, our Emergency Relief team moved to remote deployment and our volunteers for the program were disengaged. But we are proud to say we have since been able to reengage with our volunteers and continue remote deployment of staff, enabling increased capacity to support struggling families and individuals experiencing financial crises. We have also since expanded our ER support with additional digital and physical vouchers for Kmart, St Vinnies stores, and Myki travel cards. And we have established close internal links with our NILS and Financial Counselling teams at CatholicCare Victoria, improving internal referrals and enabling better wrap-around support for clients. ParentsNext: Ebony’s Story Accessible within the Sandhurst diocese, the ParentsNext program is a support service for parents with children under six who receive Parenting Payments. We assist participants to plan and prepare for future study and work goals with the ultimate goal of being ready to enter the world of work by the time their youngest child starts school. Ebony was referred to ParentsNext in 2018 when her second child turned nine months old. She