CDOS 2022 Year in Review

Year in Review 2022 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 33 Lyn Breen RETIREMENT Knights of the Southern Cross CENTENARY OF SERVICE On Saturday September 10 Members and friends gathered to commemorate the centenary of the Bendigo Branch of the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross. Mass was celebrated at St Kilian’s Church and followed by lunch where members who have served with the Knights for fifty and even sixty years were formally acknowledged. State Council Members, and members from Kerang, Wangaratta and Yarrawonga joined the celebrations and members were especially pleased that many of the wives of deceased members also attended. Branch Chairman, Kevin Lane, said the Knights felt very blessed to have so many Sandhurst priests concelebrating the Centenary Mass, we thank our clergy for so strongly supporting our KSC Centenary celebrations and the activities of the Knights in Sandhurst over the years”. There were almost 80 attendees at the lunch, where KSC Honour Boards, photographs and memorabilia were on display and Certificates acknowledging 50 and 60 long years of service to the community as members of the Knights were presented. Having worked under the leadership of three bishops, for over 16 years, there is no doubt that Diocese of Sandhurst, Chancery employee, Lyn Breen, has seen much change in the Diocese. Lyn has worked with commitment, passion and skill in Faith Education, Pastoral Ministry Formation, Accreditation and Spirituality. In recent years, Lyn has made a strong and enthusiastic contribution to the Diocesan Care for Creation Team. Many of you have walked with Lyn in the faith education journey of our diocese and will have used the high-quality resources she has carefully designed to support parishes, families, and individuals. Many parishioners have had their experience of faith deepened and enriched thanks to Lyn’s resources, programs, seminars, and reflection days. All of us are deeply grateful for the gifts Lyn has brought to her role and for her unwavering support for all who contribute to the life of the Diocese. Bishop Shane spoke of Lyn’s faith and missionary discipleship: “Long before Pope Francis started talking about missionary disciples, Lyn was living that out and calling with great passion and commitment for us to make that a central priority of all our activities. Everything that Lyn does is connected to her commitment to mission and her determination to encourage us to build up our engagement with one another and to be people of mission who live out our vocation together as disciples.”