CDOS 2022 Year in Review

Year in Review 2022 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 35 SANDHURST SCRIPTURE TALKS 2022 Over four Thursday evenings in June, the Diocese hosted a series of live Zoom talks on Sacred Scripture. Titled, “Growing faith communities for our mission today: Insights from the genius of St Paul”, the series was designed to support the faith-life of Sandhurst parishioners, particularly in the light of our 2022 context: the diocesan Go Forth review, the Plenary Council of the Australian Church, the Synod on Synodality and our broader sociocultural reality. Presenters looked to St Paul for insights into ways to grow faith communities for mission in our times. The live online talks were recorded and made available, on request, along with study notes. Presenters, who are pictured on the right of page, were Dr Rosemary Canavan – Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Catholic Theological College, with particular expertise in the writings of St Paul. Very Rev Dr Brian Boyle EV – Adjunct lecturer at Catholic Theological College and is a member of the Department of Biblical Studies, lecturing in Biblical Studies (Old Testament). He is the Episcopal Vicar for Education in the Diocese of Sandhurst and Administrator of the Cathedral Parish cluster in Bendigo, and Dr Chris Cotter – Director of Mission and Pastoral Life the Diocese of Sandhurst. One Sandhurst Diocese Highlights MISSION & PASTORAL LIFE of Chris’ research interests is the contribution of practical theology to renewed understandings of mission in the Australian Church. SANDHURST THEOLOGY SCHOLARSHIPS To support the mission formation of pastoral leaders in parishes, the Diocese offered scholarships for Sandhurst parishioners to study theology at a post-graduate level in 2022. The scholarships were administered through the office of Dr Chris Cotter, Director of Mission and Pastoral Life. In 2022 there was one scholarship recipient. It is anticipated that there will be more recipients of the next round of scholarships in Semester I 2023. The scholarships subsidises approved post-graduate level theology coursework delivered online by Catholic Theological College, Melbourne, or the year-long Spiritual Leaders Program at Heart of Life, Melbourne. ‘that every person’s heart be inflamed by the love of God’