CDOS 2022 Year in Review

40 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2022 Caring for Our Common Home and working towards Laudao Si’ Goals via Catholic Earthcare In May 2015 Pope Francis published his second encyclical,“Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.” Laudato Si’ is a call for action to address the human roots of the environmental challenges we face understanding that it is the world’s most vulnerable and poor who are always most impacted by environmental disaster. In 2020 the Vatican’s Dicastery for Integral Human Development launched the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP), an online platform which provides a framework for Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools and entities to work towards the Seven Laudato Si’ goals over seven years. Bishop Shane has committed the Diocese of Sandhurst to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and, in 2022, called for all Sandhurst Parishes and Schools to enrol as Catholic Earthcare Parishes and Catholic Earthcare Schools. as a means to work towards the Laduato Si’ goals in the Australian context. On 23 May 2022 Bishop Shane Mackinlay commissioned representatives from Sandhurst parishes and schools who had formalised their commitment to Laudato Si’ action goals by enrolling in the Catholic Earthcare programme. Bishop Shane Mackinlay spoke of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ commitment to Laduato Si’ Action and his pride in the Diocese of Sandhurst’s response to the call to action, with more than half of schools and parishes already partnered with Earthcare.