CDOS 2022 Year in Review

Year in Review 2022 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 3 CONTENTS Year in Review ON THE COVER Hanging in natures gallery ‘The World in Our Hands’, winner of the Bishops’ Choice Award, in the 2022 MacKillop Art Awards by Shaye Couch, Year 10, Catherine McAuley College, Bendigo, story pages 36, 37. OUR ORGANISATION 4 Ministries of the Diocesan Church 6 The Diocese Area Map, History REPORTS FROM: 8 Most Rev. Shane Mackinlay, Bishop of Sandhurst 10 Chris Cotter, CDOS Director of Mission and Pastoral Life 14 Cameron Fraser, CDOS Business Manager 16 Paul Desmond, CES Ltd, Chief Executive Officer 18 Sandhurst Catholic Early Childhood Education and Care Ltd 20 Very Rev. Brian Boyle, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Director, Clergy Life and Ministry Sandhurst Diocese 22 Ruth Lawlor Sandhurst Youth Ministry 24 Anne McIntosh, Diocesan Safeguarding Officer 26 CatholicCare Victoria 29 Rev. Jake Mudge Corpus Christi College COMMUNITY 30 Ordination Rev Jackson Saunders 31 2022 Jubilarians 32 In Memoriam 33 Retirement of Lyn Breen 33 Knights of the Southern Cross MISSION 34 Catholic Earthcare 35 Mission & Pastoral Life Scripture Talks Theology Scholarships 36 Mackillop Art Awards 38 Financial performance