CDOS 2023 Year in Review

8 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2023 This year has happily seen our lives less disrupted by Covid. While it continues to affect some deeply and casts a shadow over the lives of those who lost loved ones to it, we have been able to gather regularly again for worship, schooling and employment. Tragically, though, our world continues to suffer the blight of horrendous violence. The peoples of Ukraine, Russia, the Holy Land, Sudan, Myanmar and Syria are among those suffering from senseless violence. I join Pope Francis in his regular calls for peace, and encourage all in the Diocese to pray for the intervention of the Prince of Peace to bring calm and healing to those ravaged by war and disunity. “Trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we continue our mission” BISHOP SHANE MACKINLAY From Some parts of our Diocese are still coping with the effects of the flooding in 2022. Houses have not been returned to or repaired; livelihoods remain crippled. These communities are showing great courage and determination in continuing the effort to rebuild their lives. February saw a momentous event in the life of our Diocese — the first Diocesan Assembly for many years, taking place in Kialla. This was a wonderful, faith-filled meeting of the people of God, passionate about our Church, aware of its shortcomings, but committed to healing, listening and evangelising. Building on the Assembly, I was delighted to finalise the establishment of the Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council. This group of fifteen lay people and priests, from all three Deaneries, has now met with me four times, and members are becoming a cohesive group with a shared commitment to renewing our Church. At the Diocesan Assembly, participants were asked to identify the needs and future directions of our Church in Sandhurst. Prayerful