CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 9 Sandhurst Diocese Reports discernment of the responses has identified four Strategic Directions for the Mission and Pastoral Council: missionary and pastoral outreach, the promotion of connections between groups, initial and ongoing formation, and the promotion of the equal dignity of women and men. The Council is now developing practical strategies and actions to address these key priorities. Late in the year we were saddened by the death of Fr Steve Bohan, beloved pastor of the Yarrawonga Parish, who had faithfully served the people of Sandhurst for almost fifty years. We joyfully celebrated the 60th anniversaries of the ordination of Monsignor Peter Jeffrey and Fr John Ryan. The parish of Rutherglen was blessed by the ministry of Fr Boniface Kamulegeya from Rwanda for two months. Fr Boniface brought a warm, outgoing, and generous personality to the Diocese, sharing his experiences of a life so different from our own. In November we welcomed Fr Rene Ramirez and Fr Ruel Desamparado to the Diocese, expanding the ministry of the Rogationist congregation in Australia beyond their muchappreciated presence in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The end of the year also saw a number of priests taking up different appointments, and Fr Jake Mudge concluding his service at the seminary and returning to parish ministry in the Diocese. Our community experienced much soul-searching and division in the lead-up to the October referendum on the Voice to Parliament. The outcome, while disappointing for many, reminds us that we need