CDOS 2023 Year in Review

10 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2023 to recommit to action that builds reconciliation and closes the gap. That can only be done by listening to, learning from and loving our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters. I pray that we may recognise and take up the challenge to pursue outcomes that will see inequalities in our country narrowed, a path to reconciliation pursued and a more prosperous nation emerge. A major focus for me this year has been preparing to participate in the first session of the Synod for a Synodal Church, which was held in Rome in October. I have given presentations at many seminars and meetings in Australia, and also travelled overseas several times. In February, the bishops of Oceania met with others from our region in Suva, Fiji, to finalise our continental submission to the Synod. In March, I was invited to be an observer at the final assembly of Germany’s ‘Synodal Way’ in Frankfurt, gaining an understanding of their priorities and challenges, and sharing with them our experience at the Australian Plenary Council. At the Synod itself, I was elected as the Oceania member of the committee overseeing the synthesis report on this first session. This report will be an important starting point for our own discernment in the Diocese over the coming year, as well as for the preparation that will be undertaken more widely for next year’s concluding session. It was inspiring to see the very widespread commitment to ensuring that all our Church activities and structures become more synodal and participatory, so