CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 11 Most Rev. Shane Mackinlay DD Bishop of Sandhurst that we can truly walk together as missionary disciples. At the conclusion of the Synod, I participated in the annual meeting of the Methodist-Roman Catholic International Commission, for which I am the Catholic CoChair. This meeting was originally scheduled for Jerusalem but was transferred to Rome because of the tragic outbreak of violence in the Holy Land. My other major travel this year was in August, when I was able to visit India to meet with the provincial superior and families of our priests from that country: Fathers Vijay Bandanadam, Jophin Joy, Uday Marneni and John Paul Pasala. I passed on the appreciation of all our communities for the generous service of their sons and brothers, and assured them of the gratitude we feel for their ministry in our Diocese. I am enormously grateful for the contribution made by so many in the varied areas of service in our Diocese: those working in education, social justice, community care and pastoral activity among others. May we be blessed in 2024 as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Diocese, and recommit ourselves to trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we continue our mission of proclaiming the Gospel and building up God’s kingdom.