CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 13 Sandhurst Diocese Reports Gabrielle Downie Chair Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council communion, participation and mission. I ask for your continued prayerful support as we strive to be true to this vision. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank the members of the Council for their valued and dedicated service in 2023. I acknowledge and thank Mr Paul Desmond for his contribution in our inaugural year. Paul retires as Executive Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd in January 2024 and will step down from his position on the Council. His successor, Ms Kate Fogarty, will become the Bishop’s appointee from CES Ltd. Thanks also goes to our dedicated officers for their tireless administrative and organisational support in 2023. SMPC Members: Bishop Shane Mackinlay, Rev. Vijay Bandanadam ALCP/OSS (Northeast Deanery), Rev. Stephen Bolling (Western Deanery), Mrs Alana Brennan (Goulburn Valley Deanery), Mr Mick Chalkley (Western Deanery), Mrs Jobelle Collier (Goulburn Valley Deanery), Mr Paul Desmond (Bishop’s Appointment – Catholic Education), Mrs Gabrielle Downie (Northeast Deanery), Mrs Angela Finn (Goulburn Valley Deanery), Mr Stephen McKinley (Northeast Deanery), Mr Michael McLinden (Northeast Deanery), Mr Jean-Marie Mupenda (Bishop’s Appointment), Mr Miggy Podosky (Western Deanery), Rev. Jackson Saunders (Goulburn Valley Deanery), Mrs Christine Sebire (Western Deanery), Rev. Joe Taylor VG. Officers: Dr Chris Cotter, Executive Officer, Mr Tim Nolan, Minute Secretary, Mrs Leslie Cooper, Admin. For further information about the SMPC Members, please refer to page 34-41 of this Year In Review. Picture-Members of the Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council commissioned by Bishop Shane Mackinlay.