CDOS 2023 Year in Review

18 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2023 As I reflect on 2023, I am pleased that we haven’t experienced major political instability, natural disasters, or another global health crisis, and for this we can be thankful. When I turn my mind to world events, in particular the unfolding war in Israel and Gaza and the misery and fear in which people are existing, it provides me with a renewed appreciation of what it means to say, “there is no place like home” and how fortunate we are to live in Sandhurst with the rich bounty that comes just from being born an Australian. This is not to say we haven’t faced challenges personally and professionally in our own lives, and the opportunity to reflect on the events, experiences and accomplishments provided by this annual report is a great privilege. This past year has seen many events involving gatherings of people from across Sandhurst and the National Church; a personal highlight was the Parish Administrators’ Conference in October which provided the forum to share and learn from each other. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and will shape the event for the next year. The committed team of people at the Chancery has grown in 2023. To strengthen the services we can provide to our parishes and agencies we have welcomed people with skills in banking, finance and law. An example of the application of these skills is the seamless implementation of a new payroll system. This software system streamlines payroll reporting and allows for the electronic capture of timesheet information and forms. It was implemented in response to increasing demand on the Chancery payroll bureau. It is planned to roll out the new system to all participating parishes in early 2024. The commencement of a new Risk Management Framework is another initiative that has been progressing with the establishment of a Working Group made up of representatives from the Diocesan Finance Council and the Diocesan Development Fund, facilitated by the Diocesan Internal Auditors. Effective risk management is fundamental to achieving the Diocese’s strategic and operational objectives. An outcome from the adoption of the risk management framework will be a policy statement and risk management principles. It is planned that these outcomes will strengthen Diocesan governance as well as assist parishes to determine their own risk framework, risk appetite and tolerance. A major event this past year occurred on 29 May when Catholic Church Insurance entered runoff and ceased to write new policies. A company with a history that dates back 112 years and is no longer creates a great deal of uncertainty. The cost of insurance continues to climb and, after employees’ wages, is typically our largest expense. It is therefore very important that we understand our risks and can take out the appropriate level of cover. The Diocese has put together a project team that has worked in collaboration with the Diocese of Ballarat to issue a tender to the market for insurance products. At the time of writing, I am pleased CAMERON FRASER From Diocesan Business Manager