CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 21 Sandhurst Diocese Reports interconnected world, teachers play a crucial role in fostering understanding and respect among students from different backgrounds. They create inclusive learning environments that celebrate diversity and promote a sense of unity among students. In essence, teaching is not just a job; it is a calling. The impact that teachers have on the lives of their students and, by extension, on the fabric of society, underscores the noble nature of this profession. Australia, like many other countries, is experiencing demographic shifts that impact the teaching profession. An ageing workforce, coupled with a decrease in the number of individuals entering teacher education programs, contributes to the shortage of qualified educators. Addressing the teacher shortage requires a multifaceted approach involving government initiatives, educational institutions, and the broader community. Attracting and retaining teachers, especially in critical subject areas and remote communities, remains a significant challenge. Governments have a responsibility to help promote the teaching profession, providing incentives for students to study teaching and, in doing so, the Government must not prescribe where graduates begin their careers. Providing lucrative scholarships that tie graduates to a four-year teaching commitment at a government school, will have a detrimental impact on the educational system in Australia. The theme for 2023, “May the words you speak be full of grace,” has guided our choices and interactions throughout the year. This theme has inspired us to build each other up, to choose kindness, and to draw out the best in every person we encounter. It is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact our words can have on those around us. As another academic year comes to an end, I am confident in the knowledge that we are part of a strong and healthy educational system that continues to grow. Our schools have not merely imparted knowledge; they have been havens where students are empowered to reach their full potential. I am confident that the seeds we planted together will continue to flourish under the leadership of Kate Fogarty. She brings to this leadership role a love of the Faith, a deep experience in education and enormous creativity. In closing, I express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. I will miss so many things about Sandhurst, especially the people. Together, we have built a community that embodies the values of faith, education, and compassion. I have every confidence that the future holds great promise for Catholic education, and I am excited to see the continued success and growth of our schools. As I bid you farewell, may God bless you all. Paul Desmond Chief Executive Officer Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd Paul Desmond with Kate Fogarty, the newly appointed Executive Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd Financial information for Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd can be found on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission website: Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited | ACNC