CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 27 Day, or perhaps because of the resumption of our normal schedule after the difficult years of lockdown, 2023 seems to have passed by with extraordinary pace. The seminary community has continued to enjoy the experience of prayer, study and life together, and in 2024 hopes to welcome a significant intake of first-year students (approximately 10). We also hope that Jhunel Mendez, who has been studying as a Sandhurst seminarian remotely from the Philippines, may be able to join the college community in 2024. On a personal note, this year has Rev. Jacob Mudge Coordinator of Seminarians Corpus Christi College Sandhurst Diocese Reports been my sixth and final year on staff at the seminary. In 2024 I return to parish ministry in Bendigo and will continue teaching duties at Catholic Theological College two days a week. I have enjoyed the experience of the last six years, and look forward to welcoming Fr Daryl Montecillo, who will be the new First Year Formator in 2024. The seminary has a very active website (www.corpuschristicollege. and FaceBook page, which you are always welcome to follow. As always, we greatly value the prayerful and material support of the people of the Sandhurst Diocese and beyond who never tire in their care for the seminary community. A special thanks to the Chancery Staff who work a lot behind the scenes to support us. Again, we renew our sincere thanks for your prayers and encouragement and offer our own prayers and best wishes to everyone for 2024.