CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 29 Rev. Nathan Verallo Sandhurst Diocese Vocations’ Director Sandhurst Diocese Reports enquiries about becoming a seminarian for the Diocese. After Bishop Shane’s pastoral visit to India, we received applications for the Come and See Program. After reviewing these applications we have invited two men from India, Abishek Madanu and Anil Madanu, to participate in a Come and See Program in early 2024. This will give these men a chance to be with us for three months, to learn about the Diocese and formation at the seminary, and for us to get to know them better. Following the recent celebration of World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, about five young men are discerning applying to become a seminarian. On November 12 (Sunday), we worked with these men to develop a Discernment Program. We are grateful that they are seeking guidance in making their decision. Please keep them in your prayers. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Bishop Shane for trusting me in this Ministry. I also thank Fr Jackson Saunders and Fr Adi Indra for their generosity in giving their time as part of the Discernment Program. I also thank the Knights of the Southern Cross and the Serra Club who consistently support the ministry of vocation through their prayers. In August this year, Bishop Shane spent ten “fascinating and eye-opening” days in India, where he visited the families of Sandhurst priests. “It’s really valuable to understand something of the background of our priests,” said Bishop Shane, acknowledging that he now has a deeper understanding of the challenges our Indian priests face when adjusting to life in Australia. Bishop Shane also expressed how pleased he was to personally let the families of these priests know how much their sons and brothers are valued by people in Sandhurst parishes.